The Green Jobs Market

The popular ‘going green’ catchphrase signifies sweeping change across the mainstream global economy. Widespread social interest in addressing environmental issues, along with responses by government regulators and industry, are creating jobs in a growing ‘green collar sector’. This term refers to employment opportunities loosely related, but not limited, to the climate change, energy and sustainability arenas. Many employers are quickly jumping on board.

A major trigger for companies hiring in these areas arises from their implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) charters. CSR charters aim to ensure that an organisation is mindful of public interests in its decision making, and considers the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit.

Many future jobs and industries will interface peripherally or directly with the green economy. Career roles are diverse and not limited to people with high-level scientific research training or environmental backgrounds. Think of the green collar sector as an ‘umbrella’ that covers many different disciplines. As our growing economic, social, technological and environmental needs and consciousness become increasingly focused on solving sustainability issues, new employment opportunities for graduates are opening across all sectors. There is already a scarcity of experienced, capable people in various green collar areas and the sector projects strong growth.

So what work is out there?