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Interviews and Beyond

Career Transition Websites

More and more people are undergoing career transitions. As some career transitions are planned, and some are not, for example due to retrenchment or illness, there needs to be a range of information and guidance available. Some sites are free and provide advice and guidance, and some are fee-for-service sites or advertisements for consulting services.

“Discover the Joys of Modular Work” is an online article based on Marcus Letcher’s work on modular work. A useful resource for those in career transition.


myfuture offers some articles concerned with career management in the “My Guide” section.


[A keyword search on Google using “Career Transitions” produces a wide range of Australian and international sites to explore, all of which will provide helpful information to guide you through this period of your career.] 

This article was taken from the Internet job-seeking guide Working The Web.

Authors: Col McCowan, Head Careers and Employment, Queensland University of Technology. Email: [email protected] and Mal McKenzie, Manager Careers Service, University of Technology, Sydney Email: [email protected]

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