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Graduate Careers Australia

Graduate Grapevine - Number 10, Autumn 2008

Board Profile: Professor Richard Johnstone

Professor Johnstone took up the role of Executive Director of the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in late 2005.

A graduate of the University of Newcastle in NSW and Cambridge University, Richard has lectured in English Literature in universities in Australia and the UK and has held a range of senior management positions in higher education. His contribution to Australian higher education was recognised in 2001 when he was awarded a Centenary Medal.

Professor Johnstone worked in senior management at three very different types of Australian universities before taking up a leading national role. He was Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the regionally-based Charles Sturt University, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Australia’s oldest sandstone institution, The University of Sydney and Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Technology, Sydney, noted for its focus on professional education and industry links.

Learning and teaching has been a focus for Richard for many years providing a rich background for his role as Executive Director of the Carrick Institute. In 1997 he joined the Committee for University Teaching and Staff Development and was also a member of the Australian Universities Teaching Committee from 2000-04.

This experience, combined with working at a senior level in institutions with distinctively different missions, raised questions about the types of strategies, mechanisms and programs needed for a truly equitable national program to enhance learning and teaching. At the Carrick Institute Professor Johnstone has led a range of initiatives that seek to address these issues with an emphasis on the importance of quality teaching and sharing practice.

A member of the Board of Graduate Careers Australia, Professor Richard Johnstone was also formerly the convenor of GCA’s Survey Reference Group which oversees the national Australian Graduate Survey.
