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Social Work

Careers in Social Work


Social Workers assist people, groups and communities address their problems. With its focus on helping people in need, Social Work is a profession committed to social justice and respect for human rights. Social Workers provide a wide range of services to help people who are distressed or overwhelmed by problems such as poverty, substance abuse, homelessness, conflict or parental difficulties.

Services which Social Workers provide include one on one counselling, group mediation, advocacy, social and financial support, legal representation, shelter and referral advice. Some Social Workers contribute to policy development or advise governments on specific welfare issues, such as domestic violence. In this way Social Workers can influence how services are delivered and how society responds to social issues.

Social Work has many fields of practice, making it a diverse and rewarding career path with multiple opportunities to make a difference. Social Workers are found in hospitals, welfare departments, either government or private (such as employment services, justice, housing and youth services), women’s refuges, city councils, mental health, disability and aged care facilities and schools, to name just a few.

Social Work is one of the professions in the human services industry which is growing and in demand. Graduates are being heavily recruited from both within and outside Australia, especially in areas such as child protection. The skills gained as a Social Worker are portable and Australian graduates are highly sort after in countries such as the UK.

To become a professional Social Worker a Bachelor of Social Work degree from an accredited course is required. Australian qualifications are highly regarded across the world.

Employment conditions are fairly flexible, with part-time work often available to accommodate family and other activities. Salaries depend on whether you work in the public or private sector and the state and territory in which you live. Salaries are competitive with other graduate careers.

Social Work career pathways provide an incredibly varied choice. Depending on the field of practice chosen, Social Workers utilise skills and experience in management, education, research, policy development, politics and community planning.

Want to read more about careers for graduates in social work? Download a complete copy of Careers in Social Work and the accompanying Careers in Social Work – More Information by clicking on the links below:

