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International Outlook

International Outlook

Studying overseas...

Studying overseas is becoming a popular and available option for many students and graduates. The attractions are obvious, and include:

  • Experiencing another country in a way that a tourist never could
  • Friendships with local and other foreign students
  • Learning about other cultures and expanding your general knowledge
  • Personal development.

For students studying humanities subject, particularly languages, overseas experience is an excellent way to apply what you have learnt.

Enhanced employability

Cultural awareness: Your experiences will raise your awareness and understanding of other cultures – something that is increasingly important in today’s multicultural and globally connected world. Being able to show that you have the ability to interact effectively with people from different cultures is a valuable work skill.

The right stuff: Students who have studied overseas are seen to have desirable traits such as determination, confidence and an ability to adapt to new surroundings.

Global connections: Obviously while living and studying overseas you will meet lots of new people and make friends from around the world. This will have a positive effect on your contacts list.

Personal growth: Making your mark in a new country and environment will allow you to develop yourself. You are likely to return feeling more self-sufficient, self-aware and self-confident – all appealing traits from an employer’s perspective.

Student exchange programs

The most popular way to study overseas is to take advantage of an exchange program for one or two semesters. Most universities have agreements with institutions in various countries around the world.

Student exchange programs have a range of benefits*, including:

  • Provides an established, accessible way to study overseas
  • No costly international tuition fees (the study is usually covered by your degree payment or HECS agreement)
  • Degrees can often be completed within the same time frame, with your time overseas being incorporated into your qualification (check this carefully before committing to an overseas program).

Further research you should undertake:

  • Check travel, accommodation and living costs
  • Cultural issues of relevance
  • Access to computers and internet.

Finding courses overseas

If you want to complete your whole undergraduate or postgraduate degree overseas, you will need to research and plan carefully. Make sure that the degree you choose will assist with your career plans and that it will be recognised within Australia. Further information on overseas course recognition can be found at http://aei.dest.gov.au/Aei/Default.aspx

The internet is one of the easiest ways to access information on prospective courses and universities around the world. You will need to investigate visa requirements for studying in your country of choice: check with your prospective university, through websites or by contacting the relevant embassy.

More information

For more information on overseas experiences see the below websites. For information about great postgraduate study options in Australia see the Postgraduate Studies section of this site.

* Conditions will vary depending on the country and the agreement between institutions. Your course coordinator and student services will be able to assist you with the answers to these questions.

This article is taken from the 2007-08 edition of Graduate Careers Australia's employer directory Graduate Opportunities .

© 2007 Graduate Careers Australia
