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Graduate Careers Australia

ergo - Number 88 September 2002

gradlink Talks Tech

While continuing to produce and distribute numerous publications in 2002, the gradlink team has also been focusing on maximising the use of technology to further benefit our users and stakeholders. We are currently working on two major projects – redesign of the entire gradlink website and the development of a centralised, online Graduate Destination Survey application.

In May this year, we conducted an online user survey via the gradlink website to find out why our users come to gradlink and what type of information and features they find most useful. It was no surprise to us to find that 76% of our users are students or graduates who are seeking assistance in finding a job. Our users also identify gradlink as a ‘one stop shop’ for graduate careers and employment information with features such as job vacancies, Graduate Opportunities, gradsonline (employment and salary statistics) and links to university career centres. The "new look" gradlink, due before the end of 2002, will highlight and improve access to the areas most visited by our users. The site will also provide focused ‘centres’, such as a Research Centre, Media Centre and Career Communicator, for our other user groups such as careers professionals, university survey managers and the media.

As the managers of the Graduate Destination Survey (GDS), we are continually looking at ways in which to improve graduate response rates to ensure the survey continues to provide useful data. To support this objective, we are building an online GDS questionnaire which will enable students from any university to log in and complete their responses online. The system will also provide administration facilities for university survey managers to assist them in monitoring how their survey responses are progressing.

We are currently working with universities on the graduate authentication feature within the online GDS.

Jackie Vidot Manager – gradlink, GCCA
