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Graduate Careers Australia

Graduate Grapevine - Number 6, December 2006

National Career Development Week

2007 will see the launch of a major new initiative for the Career Development profession. The Department of Education, Science and Training is sponsoring the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) to establish an annual National Career Development Week (NCDW). The inaugural week has been set for 4-10 June 2007.

The objectives of this NCDW are to:

  • increase awareness and understanding of career development, its nature and importance
  • promote and encourage personal responsibility and ‘ownership’ in the management of every Australian’s individual career development
  • provide Australians with a centralised career development resource hub and an interactive promotional vehicle (website)
  • seek community participation and endorsement.

The NCDW’s primary target audience is all Australians across the lifespan, acknowledging the culturally and linguistically diverse nature of the Australian community. Its second target audience is schools, TAFEs, universities, Career Advice Australia, employers, federal, state and territory governments and agencies and other relevant bodies, associations, agencies and charities.

It is hoped that many career development-related activities and events may be scheduled to occur during the NCDW. These activities and events will be promoted via the NCDW website (currently under development).

To register your interest to participate in the Week go to the (barebones at this stage) website www.nationalcareerdevelopmentweek.com.au/ncdw and  fill in the registration form. Currently an electronic resource kit is being produced with information on how organisations and individuals may participate. It will be available on the website soon.
