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Graduate Careers Australia

ergo - Number 95 June 2004

Accessing the Graduate Voice: the Launch of CEQuery

The innovative new software tool, CEQuery, was officially launched and released to the higher education sector on Tuesday 23rd March, 2004. Professor Dennis Gibson, Chancellor of RMIT, and Chair of the CEQuery Steering Committee, performed the launch at an event hosted by the University of Technology, Sydney, and attended by over forty representatives from the higher education sector, the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) and other interested personnel. We were very fortunate in that the New South Wales Vice-Chancellors were able to attend the launch, and we were encouraged by their keen interest in this new product.

CEQuery is software that allows for the detailed and systematic analysis of the qualitative comments contained in the Course Experience Questionnaire. Developed by the Queensland University of Technology and the University of Technology, Sydney, through funding provided by DEST, the software is now being offered free of charge to the Australian higher education sector through the Graduate Careers Council of Australia Ltd (GCCA). The GCCA will also provide initial and ongoing training and support for this exciting new analysis tool.

The launch on 23 March was followed by a workshop for the ten universities who participated in the pilot program for the software. Since then, a sequence of further workshops has been conducted around the country, so that universities have the opportunity to obtain the software and gain some detailed insights into the functionality and potential of the program.

The training and support of CEQuery represents a new initiative for the GCCA, and our liaison with the sector in this regard will provide a valuable adjunct to the information that universities already obtain from the Graduate Destination Survey and the Course Experience Questionnaire. We look forward to working with higher education institutions as they implement and use this new software.

Cindy Tilbrook
Executive Director, GCCA
