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Graduate Careers Australia

A Career Planning and Development Model

Making Decisions and Planning

The third segment of the SODI model – decision making, addresses how to actually go about making decisions relevant to career planning or development. Decision making occurs at a number of points in career planning and some decisions will be revisited. Students need to understand the types of decisions (and hence decision-making styles) that need to be analysed, in light of the various pressures, expectations and cues which affect decision making – aspects such as unforeseen situations, obstacles and limitations. It is crucial that students understand the importance of taking responsibility for the outcomes of these decisions.

Decision Making Processes

The following three sites provide information on decision-making processes:

The University of Wollongong’s Careers Service uses the SODI model to present a career-planning tool for students.


North Carolina State University Careers Service provides the principles of good decision making and alerts users to issues that should be considered when making career decisions.


Rose State College Career Service provides a number of links to sites with career decision making information.


The myfuture site also offers this facility in its 'My Guide' section.


Goal Setting

Setting goals, both short and long-term, is important in career decision making. It may be that a student needs to understand and identify their short and medium term goals in order to accomplish long term goals. These goals could include meeting academic entry requirements, attaining required skills or completing particular courses in the short term in order to achieve future long term career goals.

St Mary’s College (Queensland) provides sound information and advice on setting and achieving goals and includes a problem-solving section.


The following site provides basic information and tips for school-aged students. Users must register to use the site but there is no charge involved.


The Australian government’s myfuture site is useful for setting your career goals.

