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Careers in the Environment


As our society becomes more aware of the economic importance of a sustainable environment, the demand for expertise in fields involving the management and protection of the natural environment, monitoring the impact of human activity upon the environment and rehabilitation or restoration of the environment, are growing. The amount and variety of work for environmental employment is vast. Growth in environmental employment has been identified over the last three decades and is predicted to continue. This will provide an increased number of employment opportunities for environmental practitioners in both private and public sectors.

Environmental careers cover a broad range of occupations and are often multidisciplinary in nature – which makes them rewarding and interesting. Some examples are ecologists, biologists, oceanographers, geographers, chemists, hydrologists, botanists and other science professionals, together with engineers, lawyers, accountants, teachers, journalists and social scientists all working within the field.

Tasks include control and prevention of pollution, the sustainable management of natural resources, and the development and application of intellectual resources for a balanced interaction between human needs and the ecosystems that support life. People from all types of backgrounds can work to better the environment and the demand will continue to increase in all sectors in the future.



Want to read more about environmental careers? Download a complete copy of Careers in the Environment and the accompanying Careers in the Environment – More Information by clicking on the links below:


