Graduate Research Program

In 2016 GCA established a Graduate Research Program to carry out directed research projects in the areas of graduate employability, career development and future work. A Research Committee was formed and applications called for research projects from all Australian universities and other research institutes. Over $750,000 was subsequently allocated and disbursed to thirteen research teams.


This group of projects have been led by GCA in collaboration with other research organisations focuses on GCA’s Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) Historical Data File legacy project. The AGS Historical Data File (HDF) project has, as its objective, the collection and preservation of AGS data going back to the first survey in 1976. This involved the assembly of all the key documentation (reports, survey instruments and manuals, etc) and the checking and cleaning of the original SPSS data files. The data were also assembled into historical files intended to encourage and simplify time series analysis. The required all relevant variables and any coding schemes subject to change over the period of the AGS (e.g., major fields of education, occupations, industries of employment) to be harmonised into their 2015 equivalents.


Postgraduate Research Experience 2002-2015


The Postgraduate Research Experience HDF assembles Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (PREQ) data for the life of that instrument while attached to the AGS (2002-15). This HDF will enable valuable harmonised analysis of feedback from postgraduate research graduates.