2015 Australian Graduate Survey

The 2015 AGS refers to the October 2014 and April 2015 survey rounds.

The 2015 AGS Manual and associated materials (downloadable below) were released on 2 October 2014. The 2015 AGS Manual includes details of changes effective for 2015.

Substantive changes to the Manual from the previous version are highlighted in red text. Please take particular note of the information regarding pre- and post-population of the AGS instruments and the collection of CEQ and PREQ data via telephone.

In the advance round population summary file survey managers are asked to submit a summary of their AGS population for the October 2014 round of the 2015 AGS. This summary need only be a tabulation of aggregated level of award by ASCED Broad Field of Education (see SAMPLE TABLE in Advance population summary worksheets).

Survey managers are asked to have this form submitted by the reference date for the relevant AGS round (31 October 2014 in this instance). The summary information supplied can be modified after 31 October, but institutions will be asked to explain the reasons for any changes made after that date. Variations between the numbers submitted now and final numbers are expected and GCA will ask institutions to confirm or update these figures when final AGS responses are submitted.

The pre-survey operations checklist is intended to be used by survey managers as a guide for the planning, fieldwork and processing phases of the 2015 AGS. It’s recommended that this document be reviewed and completed, though there is no requirement that survey managers return the file to GCA.

Some of the information we suggest you record in the Pre-SOC will be requested as part of the Post-SOC, which will need to be completed and returned to GCA at the conclusion of the AGS.

We feel that one of the major uses of the Pre-SOC is that it encourages institutions to develop a record of their activities during the conduct of the AGS, which will be useful in planning future AGS work. It will also be invaluable when the management of the AGS needs to be handed to a new survey manager. GCA will use the information from the Post-SOC to build a model of AGS best practice for use by the sector.

The Manual and related documents include:

APRIL 2015