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Graduate Careers Australia

ergo - Number 89 December 2002

2002 In Review

The time for drawing up the 2003 Business Plan and budget is also a time for reflection on the lows and highs of the current year. International tensions came closer to home – but it remains difficult to identify if and how they may impact in the short term on the graduate labour market. However by the time we have gone to press, the graduate careers/recruitment community will have met in what we are confident will be a highly successful and friendly triennial conference in Melbourne.

This year, the GCCA experienced both the frustration of issues beyond its control creating delays in survey report production and the excitement of developing new products. The imminent launch of the new gradlink website will provide a platform for other exciting developments in 2003.

The GCCA team join with me in wishing all ergo readers a very peaceful and relaxing festive season.
